Using Products and Partnership to Fulfill Promises

Using Products and Partnership to Fulfill Promises

By Todd Mawyer

The most rewarding partnerships are those that are forged with a common goal among like-minded organizations.

This dynamic is one that has been achieved in our partnership with the Dormie Network, a national network of clubs that combines the experience of destination golf with the premier hospitality of private membership.

Although we have been partners with Dormie for several years, a clear alignment of values has been evident from the beginning. With shared beliefs regarding the power of connectivity, attention to detail, and an emphasis on people – internally and externally, our relationship has flourished.

Nominally, TK Promotions serves as Dormie Network’s product vendor, providing them with varied solutions from branded gift packaging for their golf shops to premier tournament gifts for their members and guests. While we do serve in that role and are excited to fill their needs, the more rewarding part of our relationship is in the strategic conversations and planning that happen in between these product executions.

To best facilitate Dormie Network’s needs, we conduct a weekly status call where we talk about the progress of any current initiatives, the state of the industry, and any new opportunities that have arisen. This sort of ongoing communication is rare in our industry and has proven to be extraordinarily impactful. Through these meetings, we have engaged different members of the Dormie team and gained insight into their process. Dormie members from the executive level to client-facing staff each offer fresh and unique perspectives and provide a holistic view of how TK Promotions can provide the best brand presence both internally and to the end user.

These conversations are what led to us developing branded tissue paper, amenities for their on-site cottages, custom gifts for their corporate members, and more, to maintain a consistent presence and experience at each of Dormie Network’s half-dozen world-class golf clubs. We strive to meet the product needs of Dormie and do so with the highest quality products available. Whether a member is using a tee on the course, or a pen in the clubhouse, we want them to come away with the best experience possible.

We are grateful for the intimate nature of our relationship with Dormie and have a complete understanding of how the whole experience at a Dormie Network club is greater than the sum of its parts. Nathan Brazina, Dormie’s Director of Club Services said it best:

“It’s one thing to preach hospitality, as many in our industry do, it’s another thing to truly live it. A few months ago, a father and son came to play golf and spend some quality time together at Victoria after not being able to see each other for a long time. When you are in a position to offer someone that level of intimacy and connection, it feels great knowing that every moment of their Dormie experience will be special, down to the very last detail.”

We’re proud of our ability to match products and executions to our clients’ needs, but our true success is shown by our ability to help our partners fulfill the promises they make to their clients and patrons. Thanks to Dormie’s trust and collaborative approach, we feel confident in our ability to do just that.

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